Getting started is simple.

Start discovering your opportunities

Collaboration Fuels the Process

We take engineering seriously. Your new project is more than just the material used to construct it. Regardless of your needs, we ensure that we offer the best in industry standards and professionalism.

Choose your Method

The method of exchanging application information is entirely up to you. We’ll meet you there. Momentum begins with our engineering teams understanding your application requirements.

Our development strategy is client-driven . Our multi-disciplined team of designers, engineers, and project managers work in a collaborative process to develop your design recommendations.

As should be expected by custom engineering, the process and scope is different for everyone. Some consider days to be a quick return while some are pleased with weeks . We have had recommendations back to clients as fast as two working-days.

Clients who adopt a collaborative mindset and who are quick to communicate with us enjoy results faster than those who do not.

Privacy is paramount in here at WD. Whether you choose to submit your questionnaire via email or through our digital portal, your information is secure and private. Our digital portal is secured with multiple levels of encryption and access controls. Your data is encrypted in-transit (end-to-end, including within the virtual private cloud at AWS) using secure TLS cryptographic protocols (TLS 1.2) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used with a 256-bit key to encrypt data at rest including the backups of the information.

Access to customer data is restricted based on role: only the minimum authorized employees have access to data. Every single access to the repositories of information is audited and controlled. Data is retained for as long as necessary in respect of the purposes for which it was collected and according to applicable laws. You can request to delete your data at any time.

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It starts here.

专业 专注 专心


他们将我的库存保存在美国,并且非常灵活。 当我需要零件时,它们每次都会毫无问题地出现。






我在周一联系了WD,然后到了周四我就已经确认了产品方案。 切换到WD对我们来说是轻而易举的事。 和WD的合作非常愉快。



