Construction Machinery
Mechanized equipment for your construction operations

The loader is widely used in road construction, railway construction, port construction, and mining construction. The loading machinery scrapes bulk materials and is easily controlled. WD Bearing Group knows what loader manufacturers need and has the experience in providing precision bearings for the loading machinery.
Common Bearing Types:

The bulldozer is a crawler tracked tractor, equipped with a substantial metal plate used to push large quantities of soil, sand and etc. Bulldozers can be found on a wide range of small scale and large construction sites, mines and quarries, military bases, heavy industry factories, and large governmental and public engineering projects as well as farming.
Common Bearing Types:

Scrapers are widely used in digging, carrying, and dumping dirt. It is always divided into towed scraper and auto scraper. Precision cylindrical roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, and spherical roller bearings are widely used in these machines. WD Bearing Group experiences in providing special bearings for the scraping machinery manufacturers.
Common Bearing Types:

Excavators are used for excavating materials and transporting them to the stockyard. As one of the most important construction machines, the excavator improves project efficiency and saves manpower costs. WD Bearing Group provides custom and precision bearings for the excavating machinery manufacturers.
Common Bearing Types:

Road Roller
Road roller machinery is especially used in road construction, railway construction, and airport road construction. WD Bearing Group has developed lots of customized bearings for these industries including precision cylindrical roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, and other standard bearings.
Common Bearing Types:
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他们将我的库存保存在美国,并且非常灵活。 当我需要零件时,它们每次都会毫无问题地出现。
我在周一联系了WD,然后到了周四我就已经确认了产品方案。 切换到WD对我们来说是轻而易举的事。 和WD的合作非常愉快。
"WD是我这么多年一直想找的轴承制造商。 "
我们采用纯度 99.98% VIM-VAR高品质钢,并直接将其运入我们的工厂,在那里进行磨削、车削、热处理、装配和清洗。我们的质量保证和控制团队会持续评估我们的产品,直到将其交付给客户。
WD 轴承制造总部占地20,000 平方米,拥有一个 140 平方米的质量检验室。我们在欧洲和北美的工程实验室将我们的质量控制、服务和销售扩展到整个世界。我们的全球布局使我们能够为全球任何地方的客户提供来自我们销售和服务团队的本地支持。
WD 轴承拥有一支强大的团队,团队成员总计拥有丰富的工程经验。我们工程师开发的应用曾被美国国家航空航天局(NASA)用于火星探测器,用于世界贸易中心的建设,以及与世界各地知名OEM制造商合作的定制轴承应用。